Tackling Climate Change Using BlockChain

    Hi Guys theres a new platform to tackling climate change, Zero Carbon Project use Blockchain technology to tackling it. The   Zero Carbon Project's Market beats renewable energy and fossil fuels on price and our customers earn Energis token rewards as a catalyst for change. So toghether we can reduce carbon emissions faster than renewable energy, the weather is getting hotter day by day right?

      So what probelems are ZCP  Solve?
    Now the climates are changing by the time because so many carbon in the air. Renewable energy is the best option and solutions for now but the costs are to expensive and the impacts for carbon emissions is slow.Costumers are concerned about climate change but still use fossil energy because its still affordable for now.

The Zero Carbon Project Solution

The Zero Carbon Markets

Suppliers of zero carbon energy can source from fossil fuels but pay a small premium to offset the carbon emissions using international carbon credits.
To cover the carbon offset premium in order to beat fossil fuel prices, our Market applies intense competition by attracting a wide range of suppliers to Market with their best zero carbon energy prices, tailored specifically to our consumers size, location and usage pattern. Its seems like the idea very concepted very nice and very dilghtfull idea.

Seems a very nice and awesome project right?
-Then,How we could join them?

By using the NRG (Energis) token to do transaction in ZCP.

-How the Energis (NRG) Token Works??

Energis tokens have been designed to be valuable in order to provide the catalyst for change and provide incentives for consumers to contribute towards tackling climate change.

Smart contracts have been deployed to the blockchain to manage the use and flow of Energis token transactions in the Energis economy.

-How i can get the NRG Token?

Now the Zero Carbon Project has held a private sale the price is about USD 0.1 / Token. Its a pre release,now get the token,before the the price rise up by the time. Or try invest here for crypto users this very nice concept project. 

- How many NRG supply that ZCP provide??

The total supply of Energis tokens will remain at 240 million. 115 million have been allocated for the token sale and the remainder have been allocated as illustrated in the chart below.

Let's invest here :)

Bitcointalk Profile :

Zero Carbon Projet - Tackling Climate Change Using BlockChain

MYCRO - Simply getting the job done powered by Ethereum

 Helle everyone,this time i want to introduce you about Mycro. 
What is Mycro? 
Hmm,do you want clean your house because you want to have party in your house or your big family want to come but you dont have time or want to fix your things but you lack of skill or knowledge or even time. In Mycro you can post your job need with beautiful design Micro App ,they will make sure quickly to connect to community member who can help you out. Or for you jobseekers who want to do those things, Mycro could connect you and the job providers. Its like new brilliant idea.

Mycro provide many job like  :

Home Services : ( Gardening, cleaning, tidying up, decluttering, small repairs, window cleaning, washing, ironing, cooking and etc)

Delivery Services : ( Doing the shopping, driving services, transport services, delivery services and etc )

Virtual Services : ( Internet researches, travel planning, assistence services, clerical work, online survey and etc)

Skilled Services : ( Tutoring, photography, model jobs, piano lessons, setting up the computer, mounting the TV, DJing, waitressing, setting up an internet connection and etc )

In Mycro the platform has the method to do the payment and transaction using  Mycro Token (MYO).
How to use Mycro Token?

1. Job Shopping :
Use Mycro Token (MYO) to achieve a better position in the job provider's dashboard. This allows you to determine the amount of your fee yourself. We call it job shopping .
2. Rewarding :

Recieve MYO from the community reward pool for good ratings after successful jobs and building up the Mycro community - controlled by a smart contract.

3. Currency :

It is planned that you can use Mycro tokens (MYO) to pay for jobs - in a reliable and secure way using an escrow smart contract. (planned)

This is the scheme of Mycro

Mycro‘s success is significantly based on intuitive usability. The needs of job providers and jobbers must be satisfied in a fast and uncomplicated way. This happens by matching the right job offer with the right jobber. Only then do both parties achieve their goals. A good work product for the job provider. A pleasant and lucrative job for the jobber. 
 Why Mycro use Blockchain  ??

The reasons are :
1. Fast and easy use.

The Mycro intelligent algorithms are able to match the right job with right jobber very fast. you can post your job needs and the jobbers see jobs anytime.

2. Trust

The people meet strangers are in lack of trust.Mycro will solve this problem through decentralized rating and verification systems implemented by smart contracts on the blockchain.

3. Seurity

The money is held by a decentralized escrow smart contract while the job is performed. Neither the job provider nor the jobber has access. The escrow contract will take care of the jobber's remuneration only if the job was successful. 
4. Low fees
Mycro's vision to convert Mycro into a completely decentralised application (dApp). By eliminating the intermediary, the fees of up to 30% charged by middlemen no longer have to be paid. Jobs can always be posted free of charge. Jobbers pay only 2% for using the Mycro dApp. 



MYCRO - MYCRO - Simply getting the job done powered by Ethereum

Do you wanto to learn english and fluenty practice  your english in front of public,or wanna show off to your friends,or learn anything in english language? Here's the place, The English Club ,this is the website link 

What is The English Club?, is there any advantage if i join The English Hub?

Why you should choose The English Hub to learn english ? Because The English Club offer you so many convenience like :
1.Personalized learning,
Personalized learing means you can choose who is your best teacher,one to one learning depend of what you need on which point you want to be strengthen like grammar,vocabulary,tenses,and etc.
2.Low Cost learning
Feel your study cost too much?
You can take any lesson depend on you budget ,and you can choose whose teacher meet your requirements. The English Hub use ETH coin or other cryptocurrency for the media to pay your lesson to your theacher. If you are a student and don't have any bank account, this will be easily done .
3.Anytime Anywhere
Feel busy of your work,your study,your activity and etc. Now you can arrange freely your study schedule depend on your free time,or the time you want to learn english at the English Club.

How does The English Club works?
1. Choose your teacher
Choose your teacher on depend of what you need to learn.
2.Choose date and time
Choose your correct time,to study
3.Connect to your teacher
Connect to your teacher using media to learn directly to your teacher ,you can use skype or The English Hun video chat software which use AI technology.

This is the solution from many problem for you to learn english
The problem that we face generaly are:

  • Expensive online Course,yuck..
    English course generally have expensive cost to learn for low or middle class status.
  • Need Bank Account
    If you re a person who not have any bank account,or dont have any other payment method like visa,paypal,or mastercard to learn accross country,what should you do?
  • And the Teachers are underpaid
    English Teacher are so underpaid in generally english course platform. Even the fact the school get high paid by the student.
The solution that The English Hub Have are :
  • Affordable Education
    THE ENGLISH HUB Online English School provide the low cost payment for your education ucing TEH coin or other cryptocurrency,and provide effective way of teaching.
  • No Bank Needed
    THE ENGLISH HUB Online English School  doesn't need any bank account,all you need is to have TEH token to pay the online course cost.
  • Good Salary for Teachers.
    THE ENGLISH HUB Online English School is powered by blockchain technology which has a transparent ledger,Provide the teacher a very good salary with a traceable and transparent salary transaction.

The English Club - Wanna speak english fluently?

Halo Dunia Kerja

Halo teman2 :)
Halo mantan2 dan gebetan :) ,gimana kabarnya semua? semoga makin sakit bin sehat aja ya..
Oke, jadi gini,selepasnya dari hidup yang gak menentu selama kuliah 7 semsester akhirnya dapat diwisuda juga.. -.- ,, perjalanannya emang melelahkan,,padahal kuliah cuma 2 jam sehari,dan nggak tau apa yang harus dilakukan selama kuliah,yang penting cepat wisuda.. ah sedihlah pokoknya :v ..

Oke next saya diwisuda dan saya dapat pekerjaan sebagai IT di perusahaan/pabrik kelapa sawit..
oke well pertama kali di tempat seperti ini rasanya seperti tanah gersang,yang airnya saja kuning dan berminyak, well i dont know what should i do at first,pikiranku berkata2 sendiri sehingga susah tidur dan fokus,..

Terlepas dari hal itu...
Saya disi belajar tentang banyak hal,tentang bagaimna sih dunia kerja itu yang sebelumnya hari2 saya diisi dengan tidur ,sekolah kuliah dan bercanda dengan teman,bersenang2 tanpa tau apa arti masa depan,,,inilah kehidupan yang menurut saya tidak mudah apalagi teman2 masih muda,kerjanya keras bgt terutama bagian sortase,yang harus mengangkat puluhan kilo Tandan Buah Segar Kelapa Sawit. Keep on spirit you guys my friend,

Saya suka dengan tempat ini,dimana disini kita bisa bersosialisasi dengan orang2 baru dan lingkungan baru,,

Senang berada disni ,terlepas dari beberapa sisi negatif tentang tempat tinggal ini seperti tempatnya yang jauh dari hingar bingar kota dimana setiap weekend bisa jalan2 dengan gebetan,ataupun sekedar cuci mata,ya disini hanya bisa bersosialisai hanya dengan teman2 sekitar, suara mesin-mesin pemrosesan kelapa sawit asap pabrik yang kadang masuk ke mess,air yang kuning dan berminyak (maklum daerah tambang minyak),dll,wkwkw
Terlepas dari itu banyak sisi positifnya hidup disini yaitu kita bisa berkenalan dengan teman2 baru lingkungan baru,juga bisa hidup hemat nggak dekat dari pusat perbelanjaan ataupun rekreasi ,ya sabar2in diri aja nak yaaa :v,walapun hidupmu hampa tanpa bisa melihat ciptaanNya yg indah2 dilluar sana ,,disini ya ngeliat hal yang sama setiap harinya..
Sometime i dont feel to enjoying my life,it doesnt mean about girl,but happiness that u must after outside there.. Life is so short.. Money don't guarantee happiness, acceptance from people maybe enough :)
Kadang saya tak pernah tahu apa arti kehidupan itu ,hahaha sungguh menggelikan pertanyaannya.

Kerja Di Pabrik Kelapa Sawit

Shit the hell with with Saturday Night...(Tragedi Malam Minggu)